It's true! Gabriel The Younger has been accepted into DigiPen, where he will hone his already prodigious skills even further. As his erstwhile uncle, having the opportunity to watch this young man become himself has been a profound honor. I would like to have a talk with him in greater detail about the mutton chops. You know? I'd like to go into that a bit. But, beyond that: exemplary teen. Full marks.
Is there a potential that it might place his future work in our crosshairs?! Sure. We'll have to cross that bridge when we come to it. We had a friend named Stephen who works in the industry, and every time he got a new job we ended up having a borderline gruesome comic for it. We didn't even know he was working there for the last one! I can imagine Stephen refreshing the site now, beads of sweat constellated on his brow, waiting to see if we have already sussed out his new place of employment and begun training our wicked arts upon him.
So, you know. Hopefully, it won't be something like that
This afternoon I'm gonna head over to Mork Borg's house in RR while we check out all his new stuff in VR. There's a bunch of it I gotta see - I wonder if I should bring my own VR, so we can play some Demeo co-op! I used an exclamation point unironically there; I must be really excited about this.
(CW)TB out.