Oh! Before we get into anything else, actual prostate doctors got hold of me and sent me a bunch of links - the main one being this, a recommendation from the incredibly important sounding U.S. Preventive Services Task Force which basically says that the decision to even do PSA screening is more trouble than it's worth. That's literally what it says - they say it should be a personal decision. And that's for people who are like ten years older than us! People our age, which I thought was quite advanced, aren't even on the chart for recommendations. Somebody needs to tell our fucking doctors this information, because it seems like they don't know. Mine lost his watch in there last time; I had to come back later.
If you were to try and coax Mork-Ael into a social context, the odds of failure are high. He's gonna be at PAX Unplugged, and so should you, but that's not really the same thing - that's just a fractal elaboration of all the shit he already likes, crystallized into a strange temple on the surface of the Earth. Now, he might need some kind of prescription to endure it, but he'll go. In this particular instance, he'll double go because Acquisitions Incorporated: Series 2 - are you caught up? - will see its live Epilogue there and once you see where the series ends up, you'll know why he couldn't possibly miss it.
He hasn't been impressed, broadly, with the Metaverse as Facebook conceived of it - but I think he's developed a kind of twisted fascination with it now. Not because it's good - but because, for the true introvert, it's a way to engage in some kind of digital anthropology on his own terms. He's mentioned this comedy club thing a few times now, enough to make me think he's actually gonna do it. I offered to go in with him, just back him up. My guess is this is happening soon.
I was busy working on something really crazy last week and into the weekend, and it's gonna come out relatively soon. It's one of the best things I've ever done I think, a chance to go back and do more of something I already liked and people often ask me about, which seems like the sort of thing you should be focusing on.
(CW)TB out.