When Gabe rides into one of my hunts, he's always dripped out in the latest monster guts. The first time I saw him he looked like he does in the strip, hugged by weird claws. Moist where he should be dry, and - crucially - dry where he should be moist. It's a heinous affront to wear this evil jerky anywhere, let alone… well, I guess that's what the strip is for.
My favorite thing to do at PAX is to meet people who are doing something weird and offer aid and comfort. I've learned about sso much wacky shit just by wandering around the floor like some old-timey dowser, just following the mysterious energies. That's how I found out about Gudnak.
It looks like a cardgame at first, but like so many games these days it's laundering real wargame chops inside something that looks boardgamey so as not to scare the h-words. It's played on a three by three grid, and of course he was selling the sort of neoprene mat upgrade I am powerless to resist. I ended up getting pulled in by the art and vibes and when I awoke I had purchased one of everything he had for sale.
Anyway, he got hold of us a few months later and remembered me I guess? I dunno. I wasn't really being facetious before; sometimes my job is to let people know that what they're doing is super cool and that they should keep doing it. When we reconnected he wanted to know if I would write some fiction for a new faction ("faction fiction") and if Gabe would draw something for it as well. It was a super easy call because he had been so nice; we were able to tuck some Eyrewood type shit in there. They have a Kickstarter running for the expansion box which we did some stuff for that I think you'll really like! They're currently at five times their goal and it couldn't have happened to a nicer squad.
(CW)TB out.