Recently, I've begun to think that my periapt of proof vs. gadgets has begun to wear off as their lure has intensified. I need merely examine Gabriel's genuine cravings to throw my own occasional twinge into relief.
I'll talk more about Sony Style the magazine on Wednesday - I don't believe it's in production anymore, sundered by the same international laws that govern deadly weapons. On the whole, this is a good thing for Gabriel's eternal union. He did own the Sony Glasstron, as you might recall from the strip. The Aibo bit is, I'm sad to say, also based in fact.
I honestly don't know what he was thinking there. I believe that, at one point, one very specific point in time, he may actually have had enough money to get one and put in the order. Then, and this must have been quite a revelation, he came to understand that everything he purchased drew from the same money. He cancelled the order in time to pay his rent and other things which were not electric pets.
Pod Coffeemaker Update: The idea is, I think, that only a complete fucking idiot could not produce a hot beverage with these devices. Indeed, I have heard this derogatory comment on the finer messageboards. For the new people, it involves putting a packet of coffee in the machine and then pressing a button. Just now, two minutes ago now, I did it wrong in two completely separate ways.
I'm actually using tea in there, those Republic Of Tea bags are essentially the same idea, and they work great - but here's how I managed to (not) do it. The first time, I did everything correctly, and hit the button. When I reached up to get my infusion, I realized that I had not placed the cup beneath the spigot and so no tea was captured. The second time, instead of putting the tea inside the machine, I put it inside the cup and placed it in the proper location. Hot water was produced, and this water went down into the cup and technically did produce tea. That's really beside the point. I have a fancy machine that does this kind of thing for me. I didn't avail myself of it so I could steep tea like a common peasant.
Child's Play: Kiko has dropped an inspired design for the charity this year, and he is passing the proceeds on - take a look around his site and see if there's anything else you might like. Zach's three auctions brought in over five hundred bucks, which is nearly three and a half Standard Game Units. We're coming down to the end of it - we'll still be managing the influx in various ways for a month if last year was any indicator, but if you haven't donated yet please grab a toy from the lists this week. We're still waiting on some pictures from various member hospitals, but when they don't come in I just assume that a wall of toys fell on their camera guy and now they can't find him.
(CW)TB out.
to cast me out discourteously