As I was mentioning the other day, the people behind a card-based wargame called Gudnak I met out at PAX East asked Mike and I to make stuff for them - my contribution is a piece of fiction about a type of Rotborn character called a Pupil, and then Mork drew the same character for use on an in-game card. There are lots of Pupils, and none of them agree on what the lesson they're supposed to learn even is, but that's the least of their problems. This is what she looks like! Eyrewood energy.
Chaotic Great, the team behind the game, has been incredibly fun to work with and speak to which happens sometimes on projects but rarely to this extent. I should have known they would be cool as soon as I figured out the game's logo was an Ambigram. The Kickstarter is kicking ass and they keep adding cool shit to it, including early access to a dangerous digital version of the game at a certain threshold. I hope we get to play around in this world again at some point.