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Iron Storm

By Tycho – October 21, 2002

If you were intrigued by that Iron Storm game we had up last month, I guess it ships today.

The Scent Of Fear

By Tycho – October 21, 2002

We both went and saw The Ring this weekend, and I think - if anything - it showed how vulnerable my apartment is to monster attack.


By Tycho – October 18, 2002

It might count as spoiler material if you watch it, but you might be interested anyway.

my update

By Gabe – October 18, 2002

I just have a couple quick things to mention this morning.


I'm still alive!

By Gabe – October 16, 2002

I decided to go to this Xbox thing because I actually am pretty excited about Xbox live. When they announced that Panzer Dragoon Orta would have and online mode I started paying attention to what they were saying. When they announced that Capcom vs SNK 2 would be online I knew that my life would not be complete without Xbox live. However I'm still not in love with the machine or its lack of quality games. I know the good games are on the way but it doesn't change the fact that right now it's just a two hundred dollar stand for my Gamecube.

Almost True

By Tycho – October 16, 2002

I didn't see it announced anywhere, but it is certainly true that we were invited to Microsoft. Specifically, invited to the "Xbox Live Boot Camp," hosted in the Millennium Buildings where their gaming operation is housed.


Absolutely Ridiculous

By Tycho – October 14, 2002

Here is the latest strip. Sorry about the lateness, I inadvertently uploaded this comic into Earth's far-flung future. I should mention that the mysterious Sniper Gypsies come to you courtesy of my last birthday coupon.



By Gabe – October 11, 2002

I tried to play a little UT 2003 this morning, but I kept running into the same problem. Every Goddamned server I joined this morning had the translocator turned off. I don't understand why so many servers do this. The TL is one of the things that really makes UT stand out from all the other FPS games out there. So why do so many of you feel the need to play without it? Does it make the game too fast for you? Does its use require a level of strategy that you just can't comprehend? Did a Translocator kill your Mom?

We're Here To Help

By Tycho – October 11, 2002

I cannot wholly express to you how much we enjoy the "reader review" sections of websites like or EBWorld, but do let me say that they yield a delicious flavor, like the pulp of ripe fruit.


By Tycho – October 10, 2002

I've been up to my ass in writing stuff. I'll talk about OE properly tomorrow.