I'm fitting to drop the mad links, yo. And I'm fairly sure none of these links goes to anything terrifying.
Buttercup Festival: Author/Illustrator Elliott G. Garbauskas asked if I could spread the word about his work, and I am only too happy to do so. Spare rendering and capricious dialogue make this one a keeper.
Pong - The Movie: Jon Dobres sent this in, and I think you'll be glad he did.
Muffin Films: Jon sent this one in too, as the "Pssst" film on the site reminded him of our "The Next Level" strip from last week. And "Pssst" is good, yes, but there are other great ones - she has another series as well, Big Bunny, which has bunnies.
Tendrils: I kind of wish there was a web-based game where I could hacking and slashing my way through classic games. Oh wait, there is.
Limp Bizkit Tryouts of TERROR: True tales of one guitarists' attempt to join Limp Bizkit. Who knows if it was the complex plot to reap fans' guitar riffs that they seem to imply it was - but I'd like to direct extra reader attention to the three page contract they had to sign. Just so you know, that sounds about like the contract you have to sign virtually any time your intellectual property rubs up against a large media corporation. As someone in a unique position to understand why, let me caution in the most strident way possible anyone who puts a pen to this sort of document.
See if those don't treat you right.