They're still on it; my customary post-Spokane debriefing has confirmed it in all particulars. When I come back from the Shadow Plains, where it does not rain, and what they call "rain" is just the ashes cast out from the Dream Furnace, I need to synchronize again with the truth of things. It's like an interrogation in reverse, where I shout troubling concepts under duress and my cohort simply defines them in a reassuring tone.
I am glad that he is in there, by which I mean Azeroth, or those places which can be ventured to beyond the dark portal, because I can (in my typical fashion) live through him and perhaps occasionally even smell these realms. I have the sense memories, too; nonsense, but still real insofar as it has been filed away with the other objectively more real things. That's a tricky bit. The real memory of an unreal place.
They can show me a texture and I can get a sense of what it might feel like, I can gauge heat by light and the ambient track, but how they made me smell things I don't really understand. Occasionally someone will try to develop (or fund with the expectation of development) a device which can make you smell things, they'll "print" this sense inside your nostril, but when artists have made a place with real craft that sense gets tripped for free. I know how the Tribes map Raindance smells, and somehow it's been commingled with the helmet. The oil and wheat I used to get in Westfall. When I ride out of Ironforge, something I haven't done in years, I know exactly how that would feel - how it does feel. I can feel it while I'm typing this: that waiting-for-the-schoolbus nose freeze.
Oh. Also, Dragon Age is forty five dollars on all platforms at Amazon which is just fucking stupid. I don't tell you about "hot deals,", that's not my thing, and it's not like an affiliate link or anything. It's just a regular link that doesn't do anything but take you to a page, like in the days of yore. I would say I am about halfway done with the game now, the way I want to play it at least, and at this price I'm already at about a dollar per hour. I will get to a new place in this game, flirt with my forward scout, and then fucking go home because I already have five other places that large or larger to tamp down. I "literally" have no idea how they made this thing. I assume computers were involved.
(CW)TB out.