First they paused school, and then the two week pause became a six week pause. Then events of more than 250 were a no go, then the threshold was fifty. Now all restaurants have been transmuted into the take-out shops, and the things that can be open are "retail locations" that adhere to "some rules," grocery stores, and pharmacies.
Are dispensaries grocery stores? Or pharmacies? Or both at once? I think I can make a compelling case.
Schools are acting as lunch distribution centers exclusively, and there's not really any meaningful guidance on what to do in the meantime. It's completely unprecedented; I'm not even mad. But I'm also not a teacher, so the idea that I'm going to be able to maintain forward momentum for a system I only see from the outside isn't, uh, realistic. People go to school for that. And then they go to more school, and then they have a little school as a treat every year until they stop teaching. So I'm not super sure what everybody is expecting from me, but I hope it's "nothing."
What I can do is reveal to my mewling larvae such mysteries as I am acquainted with, such darkly glitt'ring treasures as I have cobbled from mad journals and works thought destroyed, their black-rimmed covers redolent with the memory of the flame. Add to this the bitter wisdoms which the "scholar" - so called - sets aside, for fear it will disturb the carefully arranged castle of lies he calls Knowledge.
Whatever others may do, preening for devils before their strange mirrors, I will not send my children into this world unarmed.
As for Quarantine, these are the conditions I am optimized for but never come to pass. I can make coffee and beer for months, out of things I have in ready supply. I am a good person to know.
(CW)TB out.