As a young person, I went to friend-of-a-friend Davy's apartment once, and in addition to the traditional panoply of wastrel paraphernalia, there was also a five foot tall bong. Don't ask why I was there. But there's a similar dynamic, with different material components, when I go over to the home of Mr. Gribbs. His drug of choice is ancient silicon, and so far it seems like his kids are still eating food and stuff so I haven't called the police.
Having to re-secure your youth is a tremendously expensive practice, though it does matter very much which portion of it you are trying to secure. We were pretty big fans of Baten Kaitos back in the day, because, you know… cards, and the announcement of a remaster saw a few bidding lots drop by as much as sixty percent. One lot was fifty dollars, just for the second disc! With no box! But we were quite mercenary about our collections back in the day. I was mostly a PC gamer, a folkway I have returned to in my dotage, and our games tended to come with codes so the second-hand market for them was limited. But anything for consoles was essentially just money in a different form, crystallized, and we ground through them so fast back then that there was a perpetual need. Then, when you move a few times, every part of your material life gets winnowed. I don't need the objects themselves, but I do enjoy the hunt.
After I get done writing the strip with Mike, I'll be starting up the ol' stream thingy around 10:15-10:30am PST and checking out some stuff. I might do a little ladder climb with the new season with my friend Marvin Snapp, might hit some Turbo Golf Racing, might want to take Shiny Shoe's crafty but still very young Inkbound for a spin. Dirty Dwab is out for this one, so I will try to manifest his gentle power in the interim.
(CW)TB out.