My boys got me into Raingbow Six Siege a couple months ago and I have since gotten Jerry and Kara into it as well. It’s an incredibly difficult game but I am starting to get the hang of it. The other night I got my first “ACE” which is when you as a single player kill all five of the opposing team members. As an old man who just started playing I was very proud and had to share it here.
In the video you can see enemy players highlighted but that’s just for replay purposes and obviously they are not like that when playing. They start by blowing a hole in the reinforced wall behind Jerry and try to use that as a point of entry to our bomb site. I kill three of them as they try to come in here and then the last two I get with the trip mines I set up on doorways. I like to play a character called Kapkan when on defense because of his ability to set these mines up. I love getting a kill on someone when I’m not even around or even dead. You can’t hear it in this replay but I always laugh like a supervillain whenever it happens.
-Gabe Out