I wanted to really quickly direct your attention to a few sites that have PAX write ups and photos. If you are interested in that sort of thing check out:
Coming Soon
We couldn't let the Acclaim bankruptcy go without comment, though we initially let it slide thinking about the ordinary gamers who lost their jobs there. They don't have anything to do with Acclaim's malevolent Public Relations mongrels, and it wasn't they who hatched the Titty Bike genre either. Then, we remembered that we have absolutely zero social conscience and love to say mean things.
We announced this at PAX, but now the PA Presents page has been updated with a new project. Brady Games upcoming World of Warcraft guide will actually be full of comics by Tycho and I. These are funny comics that will help teach new users some of the skills they will need to play Blizzard’s new MMORPG.
PAX Photos
The Burrs And Barbs
Now that I can see time does, in fact, continue - even after events of such magnitude that they warp space-time - I can start being excited about the games that find their way to stores. Pikmin 2 is just such a game - also, people in the second Q&A panel asked for a "watch" strip, and we have done as commanded.
PAX Log, Supplemental
There are quite a few more things to discuss, and I'll get to them all eventually - Red Vs Blue, and of course, our mighty Omeganauts - including Omeganaut Prime Sean Celaya, and his noble opponent Kevin Potter, who I have a feeling we'll be hearing from again.
Check Me Out, I Am David Duchovny
It has always been my greatest fear that one of you will engage me in conversation when I'm going to the bathroom. It's not something I ever expect to happen, you understand - I don't think you're clamoring for the opportunity, it's just something I worry about. Thus far, we've been to cons where there was a certain percentage of readers among the attendees and it hasn't happened yet. In my apparently infinite wisdom, we chose to hold a convention populated almost exclusively by the readership. So it's starting to look less like my greatest fear and more like my secret wish.
Gabriel The Orator
It is not uncommon for Gabriels to deploy sophistry in the service of their goals, truly epic feats like sitting on the couch or watching television. In these situations, I can be counted on to act as his barely responsive interlocutor.
I like to play World of Warcraft. When I play this sort of game I tend to get attached to my character and I don’t really feel comfortable making new ones. I’m not sure exactly what it is, but once I’ve got my guy I stick with him no matter what. As each new patch comes out Blizzard opens up new classes for play. Once I started my Warlock though I never really saw any reason to switch. I guess that makes me a shitty beta tester, but I don’t really care. Besides, there are so many fucking hunters in the game right now it’s ridiculous. I was in Westfall yesterday and it was like Noah’s fucking ark.
West Coast Supertrip!
I got this update from RedMachine regading the West Coast Super Trip. I’ll just go ahead and post it here:
This Is An Allegory
You might already have read about those tragic events on Naboo, but there is no man alive who can pretend to be surprised by the predations of SOE's nefarious customer service at this point. Their behavior has been legendary since 1999, when they killed every tenth Everquest subscriber. They are the most diabolical force currently active on the world stage - teleporting player characters into orbit? Man, that's not even the main course.
R6 drawing
I drew a new ad for Rainbow Six 3: Black Arrow. I ended up having to crop it a bunch to fit it in the template. I thought some of you might like to see what the whole thing looked like. Here you go.
The conversation is real, but he didn't have it with Kara - I'm given to understand that she has the equivalent of super strength in this "trimester" or whatever it is called, and has the capacity to deal aggravated damage. Gabriel informed me yesterday that she lifted a car over her head, and threw that car at another car and then climbed up an office building. After a spectacle like that, your discourse tends to bear the proper reverence.
An Update For My Fellow Beekeepers
Dana has a new blog entry up.
He Is Literally Trying To Kill Me
Surely this installment of Penny Arcade is a falsification of the worst sort! Friends, if only that were true. When he started telling me about Dust, as though it were a topic that was somehow alien to me, alien to the tens of thousands of people that play every day on "Dust Only" servers, I felt something pop inside my mind.
It's hard to believe, but PAX is less than two weeks away at this point. We've been planning and preparing for this event for so long now that I can't remember my life before PAX. What did I do before I was helping to throw the greatest video game party ever conceived by man? Probably nothing.