I've found myself trying fruitlessly to pause Diorblo more often than you would think, maybe I've just entered a phase of life where pausing is required. Shit will be going on, there's a bunch of fuckin' goats or some shit, and I will instinctively brush the ESC key - a key which has so often offered refuge in the past. It doesn't do that here. Now, I continue getting murdered, only the screen is a little darker and there are menu options. None of them is "pause." That's because even if you are playing all by yourself, alone, there is no single player mode because Diablo isn't a single player game.
I think the game is really good but I don't know what this MMO stuff adds. Well, I guess that's not true. It adds MMO stuff; it's like Destiny in this respect. I can see other people's gear. We can do world events. No doubt it's part of making a "living world" as a canvas for their service game dreams, which I expect overall to be quite successful because I'm not sure anyone is doing this better. But I would like to pause sometimes.
I think - think - that today's #Fridabe excursion is going to be largely focused on Diorblo. He might be doing something before I get there, but we have reserved these two characters to play exclusively on stream, which is the videogame version of them being married I think. And neither one of them is a brazen Necromancer! One of them is a man who can't decide if he is a wolf or a bear, it's been an issue, and one of them is literally just a guy who kills people. Everybody else is real weird about how they do it, but not him! He's just punching the clock. Here, the "clock" is an enemy ribcage - and he "punches" it with knives. These dark delights begin around 10am PST, right here.
(CW)TB out.